Fortezza, Umilitade, e Largo Core - Courage, Humility, and Largeness of Heart.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Mooses Come Walking

Mooses Come Walking

by Arlo Guthrie

Mooses come walking over the hill
Mooses come walking, they rarely stand still
When mooses come walking they go where they will
When mooses come walking over the hill

Mooses look into your window at night
They look to the left and they look to the right
The mooses are smiling, they think it's a zoo
And that's why the mooses like looking at you

So, if you see mooses while lying in bed
It's best to just stay there pretending you're dead
The mooses will leave and you'll get the thrill
Of seeing the mooses go over the hill

©1993 Arloco Music, Inc. (ASCAP)

Michael and GG with a moose.

Monday, July 4, 2011

I'm back!

It’s been over a year since I posted last. It’s been a bit of a rough year- mainly it’s a Lyme thing. Stupid Lyme.

A year and a half ago I fell ill with pneumonia (due to my suppressed immune system because of the Lyme) and as it turns out, I was likely having micro strokes. I lost some of my ability to read and write, which terrified me. Pre-Lyme, I always felt confident that I would always be able to rely on my intelligence and for that to be taken from me was too scary. Luckily I have an amazing support system. They helped me get through the semester and then helped me figure out the medical support so I could work towards recovery. This Fall I began neural feedback, which has helped tremendously! I have found my cognitive abilities that the Lyme took away from me are beginning to return to their previous strength. I even think that I might end up stronger cognitively because of this process; I don’t expect it but I am hopeful. Another unexpected benefit was the return of my immune system. I always knew that I would be able to “muscle” my way back to strength and stamina, that those were aspects of my overall health that I had some semblance of control over. To have my immune system rebound is truly a miracle!

I began several posts in the last year that I never finished writing or bothered to post. I am resolved to change this. My writing quality may not be what it was previously but I will release attachment to my ego and post. It has been said that something that is 90% perfect and published is better than something that is 100% perfect and not published. Well, you all might have to settle for 75% perfect at this point.

I look forward to actually writing again.